Monday, August 2, 2010

The travels of a Storyvile vagabond…

(ok, so I’m not really a vagabond because I have both a job and a home….)

Right now I’m sitting in the passenger seat of our van that we have lovingly named Alpha (the other van is named Beta). I have lots and lots of thoughts from the past few days that I am SO ready to get down onto paper.

My life has been a whirlwind of emotions, traveling and work for the past few months as many of you know. Beginning with me moving out of my Portland house on March 24th, Getting Engaged on April 7th, Starting an incredible film project with Storyville on April 11th, then having that end on the 17th of May, and having my new job with Storyville Live as a Crew member start on the same day! On that day I returned a bunch of camera stuff with my friend and co-worker Melany Ramsay then we both flew out to Florida(that day itself is a story for another day). Then after Training in Florida and Seattle I started Tour with my team, the west coast team, on June 1st. Since then I have been from Seattle to Ashland,

Ashland to Reno,

Reno to LA,

LA back to Seattle.

Seattle to Virginia, Where I experienced the birth of my nephew Uriah Steven… what a crazy miracle of craziness birth is!! I feel so connected to that kid because I witnessed his coming into this earth, so wild!

Then from Virginia back to Seattle where I spent 3 days with my Fiance Trevor before having to say goodbye to him for 8 months =(

Then I went from Seattle to Pheonix,

Pheonix to Eastern Texas,

then to Houston,

Houston to Oklahoma City,

Oklahoma city to Denver,

Denver to Ft Collins,

Ft Collins to St Louis,

St Louis to Minneapolis,

Minneapolis to Green bay

and now this journey has started of 4 drive days from Green Bay back to Seattle. We’ve stayed in Fargo, North Dakota, and Miles City, Montana. Now we are on our way to Post falls, Idaho. Tomorrow is our last drive day, and tomorrow I will fly home from Seattle to Ashland. YAY!!

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